LUME-services allows us to build workflows using Prefect's Flow APIs. Flows can be conceptualized of as scoped units of work.
A flow looks like:
Parameters are data objects passed into the flow at runtime.
Variable names inside the flow context are used to compose the workflow
Configuring flows for use with LUME-services
configure_services task uses environment variable names to configure the lume-services api endpoints
must be set as upstream taks to any tasks using those services using my_task.set_upstream(configure_task)
within the flow context.
Flow parameters
Flow Parameters have some constraints. To see why those constraints exist, see developer docs here. 1. Flow-level parameters must be serializable, meaning they must be of types:
| Python | JSON | |----------------------------| | dict | object | | list, tuple | array | | str | string | | int, long, float | number | | True | true | | False | false | | None | |
- In order to access the results of tasks outside a flow, the task-level results must be JSON serializable. LUME-services packages some utilities for interacting with custom result types using JSON representations of the result that can be used to load at runtime.
Common tasks
from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
from import Module
from lume_services.tasks import configure_services, SaveFile
from lume_services.files import TextFile
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def append_text(text1, text2):
return text1 + text2
save_file = SaveFile(name="save_text_file")
with Flow("flow1", storage=Module(__name__)) as flow1:
text1 = Parameter("text1")
text2 = Parameter("text2")
filename = Parameter("filename")
filesystem_identifier = Parameter("filesystem_identifier")
configure = configure_services()
new_text = append_text(text1, text2)
file = save_file(
name results
Database results
in order to save multiple results to the database, define a name for the database result
File results
if saving multiple files in the workflow, task name should be passed when initializing the task
Result customization
All result tasks are subclasses of the prefect Task object and accept all Task initialization arguments...
Yaml * task name must match name